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Foreign Embassies and Consulates
Foreign Embassies in Beijing
Foreign Consulates in Chengdu
Foreign Consulates in Chongqing
Foreign Consulates in Guangzhou
Foreign Consulates in Shanghai
Foreign Embassies In Beijing

Malaysia, Embassy of
Add: 13 Dongzhimenwai St.
Tel: 6532 2531 - 3
Fax: 6532 5032

Mexican States, Embassy of the United
Add: 5 Dongwu Jie, Sanlitun
Tel: 6532 2574, 6532 2070, 6532 2657 (Ambassador and Protocol)
Fax: 6532 3744

Mongolia, Embassy of
Add: 2 Xiushui Bei Lu, Jianguomenwai
Tel: 6532 1203, 6532 1810 (Protocol), 6532 1952 (Commercial Section)
Fax: 6532 5045

Morocco, Embassy of the Kingdom of
Add: 16 Sanlitun Lu, Sanlitun
Tel: 6532 1796, 6532 1483 / 9, 6532 1453
Fax: 6532 1453

Netherlands Embassy, Royal
Add: 4 Liangmahe Nan Lu
Tel: 6532 1131 - 4
Fax: 6532 4689

New Zealand, Embassy of
Add: 1 Dong'er Jie, Ritan Lu, Jianguomenwai
Tel: 6532 2731 - 3
Fax: 6532 4317

Norwegian Embassy, Royal
Add: 1 Dongyi Jie, Sanlitun
Tel: 6532 2261 / 2, 6532 1329, 6532 1426 (Ambassador)
Fax: 6532 2392

Oman, Embassy of the Sultanate of
Add: 6 Liangmahe Nan Lu
Tel: 6532 3692
Fax: 6532 5030

Pakistan, Embassy of the Islamic Republic of
Add: 1 Dongzhimenwai Dajie
Tel: 6532 2504, 6532 2695, 6532 6660, 6532 2581 (Commercial Section), 6532 1217 (Ambassador)
Fax: 6532 2715

Peru, Embassy of the Republic of
Add: 2-82, Sanlitun Diplomatic Ofc. Bldg.
Tel: 6532 4658, 6532 3719, 6532 2976 (Commercial Section)
Fax: 6532 2178

Philippines, Embassy of the Republic of the
Add: 23 Xiushui Bei Lu, Jianguomenwai
Tel: 6532 2794, 6532 1872, 6532 2518
Fax: 6532 3761

Poland, Embassy of the Republic of
Add: 1 Ritan Lu, Jianguomenwai
Tel: 6532 1235, 6532 1246 (Military Section)
Fax: 6532 1745

Portugal, Embassy of the Republic of
Add: 2-15-1/2, Tayuan Diplomatic Ofc. Bldg.
Tel: 6532 3497, 6532 3242
Fax: 6532 4637